Are Women More Evolved Than Men? The 5 Elements of Oneness.

Are Women More Evolved Than Men? The 5 Elements of Oneness.

"You may have written about this already, but have you noticed a number of self- actualized, spiritual, intelligent, and beautiful women are ... single?” she inquires. "Why do you ask? I reply. "I get asked why I'm single all the time, and it's my least favorite question. I look at a lot of my friends, [...]

The 5 Ways We Battle with Integrity

The 5 Ways We Battle with Integrity

"Sorry I'm late, there was traffic!" "Don't be disappointed, learn to let go." "Why do you feel that way, there's nothing wrong." "Suck it up, you're a big boy/girl." Sorry, sorry, sorry...yet never do we actually make resolution, gain agreement and form a new commitment. Rather, the previous agreements are quickly swept under the figurative [...]