Are Yoga Teachers the New Spiritual Guide or Just Sexy Fitness Instructors?

Are Yoga Teachers the New Spiritual Guide or Just Sexy Fitness Instructors?

I remember the stretch like it was yesterday, it pulled at me like a nagging child in the supermarket line begging for candy, all I wanted it to do was to shut it up so I could get through the experience. It was my hamstring. I think. Maybe my quad, shit I often never know…I [...]

All The Ways We Hear Go F@*k Yourself and Think It’s Normal

“I want …” I began to say eagerly, standing my ground in a self assured stance of confidence. What came next was a complex dissertation of reasonings, the kind you would expect to hear from an pompous ivy league Professor wearing an obnoxiously long scarf, surrounded by too many students to count, all positioned in [...]

The Shocking Truth I Discovered about Vulnerability as a Man

I have a confession: vulnerability is confusing to me. Like, really confusing! It feels counter-intuitive. Why is there a fascination with the human struggle and failure? Stand in any checkout line and a dozen magazines bombard the celebrities with public mishap of the affair, drinking binge or poorly posed swimsuit photo with greater attention than [...]